
"Strive for perfection in everything you do. 

Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it."

- Sir Henry Royce -

This section contains published research works, references to given lectures or conferences, and a list of the most relevant public contributions.

Public Works

Book Chapter

"Modeling of Biological Systems: From Algebra to Calculus and Computer Simulations"

A. Dimitrov, G. Guidoboni, W. Hall, R. Invernizzi, S. Lapin, T. McCutcheon, J. Pennington.

Foundation for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (FURM) book series. Springer. December 2022.

Full book page 🡕

Full article page 🡕

Open Source Coding Contribution

"Isogeometric Analysis with deal.II"

Supervisors: C.P. Africa, L. Dedè, A.M. Quarteroni, L. Formaggia

Open Source C++ Coding Project. September 2021

GitHub page 🡕

Given Lecture

"Dissertation on Ballistocardiography"

Professor: Lapin Sergey

Course: "HONORS 390 - Global Issues in the Sciences course". 

April 5, 2021 | WSU - Washington State University, USA. 

Scientific Peer-Reviewed International Paper

"Bond role in strut-and-tie systems modelling reinforced-concrete members"

Bamonte, P., Gambarova, P. G., Invernizzi, R. 

Engineering Structures, Volume 209, 15 April 2020, 109946. Elsevier. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109946 🡕

International Conference & Conference Paper

"Bond Role in the Strut-and-Tie Systems Including Embedded Bars in Tension"

Gambarova, P. G., Invernizzi, R.

ACI (American Concrete Institute) Italy Chapter. 

Conference: "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2019". 

Special Issues in Concrete Research. 5th Workshop, Milan, Italy (19-20 September 2019). 

Publication page 🡕

Conference page 🡕

Thesis Works

Master Thesis

"Cardiovascular Modeling, Ballistocardiographic Analysis and Bed Sensoring"

Supervisors: Prof. R. Sacco (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. G. Guidoboni (University of Missouri). 

M.Sc. in Structural Civil Engineering & Mathematical Engineering.

21 December 2021. Polytechnic of Milan

Bachelor Thesis

"Role of Bond in Strut-and-Tie Systems in Reinforced Concrete"

Supervisor: Prof.Emeritus P.G. Gambarova (Politecnico di Milano)

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering. 

15-23 September 2017. Polytechnic of Milan